Stolpersteine in LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3

CAS in Requirements Engineering 2014/2015 – HSR Rapperswil & University of Basel lego

Our project partner was the School of Engineering, Center for Engineering Education and Outreach in Tufts University in Boston, USA. We were initially commissioned to research how intuitive the new Lego® EV3 software was. The scope had to be reduced due to the short time frame and we concentrated the project in identifying the pain points users found by programming robots with the new EV3 software.

We interviewed teachers and students and visited informatics and math classes where Lego® Mindstorms® was being used as a tool for the lessons. We analysed and evaluated the results of our research, and were able to identify the most important pain points in the software. We also developed an «emotional journey» of the user experience for the product Lego® Mindstorms® EV3 to see where in the process of programming robots the users struggles and the software fails to keep him/her engaged.

This is the final report (in German) we wrote as part of the project assignment: